Thursday 6 April 2017

There's a house at the bottom of my garden...

Well, life did it again. Yet another virus. I've come to the conclusion it's just one of those phases in life where I'm not going to be at my healthiest, even though I'm doing my best to rest up, eat well, not get too busy...Hence the lack of blogging.

Have to say I'm feeling much better - which has been helped enormously by the glorious spring weather we've had recently. There's yellow and blue and red all over the garden, supplemented with the pale blossom which appeared almost overnight on the pear tree. It means the tree house, which Mr Squidge and Squidgeling T rebuilt last year, looks fabulous, hidden as it is in the blossom-filled branches. In fact, there could well be a story in this picture somewhere...

And there are bunk beds inside, too!

There's also another 'house' going up in our garden; last year, Mr Squidge began talking about building a garden room. Apparently he was going to have a pool table in it; Squidgeling T was going to use it as a band practise space; Squidgeling J reckoned it was going to be a party shed...and I was allowed to use it as a writing den.

My own writing space? Wowser.

To begin with, we had to dig out The Mound, a ramp of earth left as a feature in the bottom of the garden when it was landscaped some fifteen years ago. I spent two days in a skip, stamping down the earth that was removed...

Over the last few months, Mr Squidge has been working hard. With the help of a friend (and in exchange for some work on a broken vehicle or two), he laid the blue brick and cement foundation. A couple of trips to the woodyard, and the frame is starting to take shape...

He's hoping to do a fair bit more over the Easter holidays, so I'll keep you posted on progress. At the moment, it looks more like a writing palace than a writing seems enormous!

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