Saturday 2 July 2016


Well, it's gearing up to the summer holidays - not that you'd believe it, the amount of rain we've had during June - and lots of folk will be going away and looking for something to read on the plane or by the pool or on the beach.

Can I suggest StarMark?

And just to make it interesting, if you DO take StarMark on your holidays, why not send me a photo of where you end up reading it?

In fact, why don't we make it REALLY interesting and turn this into a competition?

There'll be a StarMark T-shirt as a prize for the most interesting place where StarMark is read. And as a lot of readers so far have been adults, why don't we have an adult AND a children's category? TWO T-shirts...And yes, if it's on your Kindle rather than a paperback, you can still enter!

So to recap;
1. Take a copy of StarMark with you wherever you go over the summer.
2. Take a photo and mail it to me at before the 1st September. (I will share some of the photos on the blog, so please only send them in if you're happy for your fizzog to be on the internet OR take the picture in such a way that it doesn't show your face but we can still see you with the book...)


Happy holidays everyone!

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